What's Up with the Red / Blue?
The Pocono community is very active; sports and activities play a major role in the daily happenings around the Preserve. From a young age you are expected to participate in events ranging from Run Around the Bases and 12-and-under soccer, to Triathlons and the Holy Saturday morning Men’s Softball Game. To ensure unbiased division of skills and avoid the uncomfortable “picking of teams” as a youngster, children are assigned a color at birth (oh man this is starting to sound cult-y). You are either a Red (like Jamie) or a Blue (like Lane). Your color lasts with you throughout your lifetime, and color assignments alternate through each family child by child.
The Red / Blue competition dates back to 1921 when a PLP-er had the idea to divide the Preserve into two tribes that would compete with each other in all kinds of sports. Red and Blue came from colors of UPenn, where lots of members had gone to school. Dividing into two groups brought forth a wholesome spirit of rivalry.
When a guest comes up, they are the opposite color of their host, and couples are opposite colors as well. This forces you to meet new people and step outside your comfort zone when competing at the Preserve. Red and Blue points gained from winning various events are tallied throughout the summer months and each year a Winner of the Summer is declared.
Reds are far and away the better team, it’s like David vs. Goliath but David is a Blue and he’s got a bad cold, peanut allergies, frail bones, and one leg is shorter than the other so he’s always walking in little circles...it's adorable. (Can you tell this page written by a Red?)

As we get closer to the wedding, each guest will be assigned either to the Red team or the Blue team...
Be forewarned, competition is FIERCE. Your color will be used to quickly split into groups for everything from softball to flip cup. So...learn your color, memorize your color, LIVE your color.