Maid of Honor
Liza Claghorn - Liza is Lane’s little sister. Years ago before Liza & Lane were so close, our mom said, "One day, you two will be best friends and each other's Maids of Honor," to which both girls thought she was cray. This just goes to prove that mothers are always right!

Mia Stollen - Lane has known Mia her whole life from spending PLP summers together. It wasn't until the two started working together in the PLP Office in 2004 that the trouble started and they became quite the duo. Since then, they have conquered Italy and the World Cup of 2006 (including turning 21 together).

Patrice Kiely - Patty Cakes is a college friend who Lane fell in love with on Philanthropy Day of rush back in August 2004 when Patrice was wearing paisley shorts. They’ve been together through Charleston, DC and now NYC.

Meg Burgess - Meg is Jamie's oldest and only sister. She has one of the best hearts that Lane knows (mother to two adorable girls and multiple dogs!) and is such a caring and kind person. One of the reasons we moved to the NYC area was to be closer to family, and that includes Meg and her family.

Lexi Richards - Lexi was a fellow Chi O, but they reunited after the Gods of Timing were on their side in 2011. Lexi was looking to move to DC and needed a roommate and Lane was oh-so-lonely after living alone for a couple years. Enter several years of magical HenRiot Champagne parties.

Karna Sandler - Lane doesn’t remember exactly meeting Karna, but after spending the summer after college together in PLP, she convinced me to move to DC. It was there that we became inseparable for over five years...and it was because Lane was in DC that she and Jamie got together.

Meg Wycks - Meg is a neighborhood bestie. Lane remember Meg's first day at Erdenheim Elementary in fourth grade and wanting so badly to be friends with her...and look where they are now! Now, everyone all loves a good Meg & Dean (Meg’s new hubby) cameo at the Claghorn house over the holidays (or really during any random weekend we are in Philly!).

Caitlin Kelly - One of Lane’s first college friends was Caitlin. They two met freshman year at CofC shortly after Bid Day. They lived together Junior year in the most magical pink house and Lane’s life goal is to one day buy it.

Genna Smyth - Genna is a high school friend who Lane became close with during their days at Beck's Catering at the Flourtown Farmer's Market. They’ve grown much closer post-high school, when Genna visited Lane (many times) at Charleston and Lane later visited Genna (many times) in NYC.

Marissa Price - Lane has known Marissa her entire life, since their days as the Pocono Explorers in PLP when Lane was in Umbros and Marissa was in Sambas. They’ve spent pretty much every summer of their lives together.