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We encourage everyone to stay on the Preserve as it allows for camaraderie throughout the weekend and convenience! However, we have provided a hotel option as well.
Staying on the Preserve
Several of the other families from the Preserve have graciously donated the use of their houses (“camps”) for the weekend. To reserve lodging in a camp, fill out the form below. Please complete this form by Wednesday, August 17.
We will be in touch with those of you who choose to stay on the Preserve with your camp assignments in early September.
We will group friends with friends, and family with family.

Best Western - Blakeslee
Approximately 10 miles from the PLP gate
107 Parkside Ave.
Blakeslee, PA 18610
(570) 646-6000
$125 / night
Mention Burgess - Claghorn Wedding
Room rate expires September 10, 2016
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